Interactive Metronome Review: Exploring Efficacy for Dyslexia Intervention

Interactive Metronome review

Interactive Metronome (IM) is a training and assessment tool that is used by a variety of professionals to help various conditions. Interactive Metronome is used to improve functioning in the portion of the brain that is responsible for intellectual functioning, working memory, and executive functioning, all of which are necessary to be an effective reader. Because of this, it is a tool that is often used for dyslexia intervention. This Interactive Metronome review article will cover the details of the program and share an expert opinion on it.

What is the Interactive Metronome Training

Interactive Metronome is an evidence-based program that is both an assessment and a training tool. It can be used as part of an overall assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses. During the training process, it provides clients with real-time auditory and visual feedback. It has been shown to improve cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech and language, comprehension, executive functioning, motor skills, and sensory skills. 

How it Works

During an Interactive Metronome session, a client wears headphones and holds a sensor while sitting at a computer listening to a metronome. When the client hears the metronome they tap the sensor. This information is registered and measured by the computer. The computer screen shows the client feedback so they can see if they are off the beat and by how much. This allows them to make corrections. This entire process combines movement with brain planning, sequencing, and execution. The combination of the audio and visual input with movement creates new neural connections. 

Interactive Metronome is believed to improve the functioning of one’s internal brain clock (neurotiming) and temporal processing, which results in more efficient brain connections and communication between critical brain networks. Interactive Metronome training specifically targets the parietal-frontal brain network, which is responsible for overall intellectual function, working memory, executive function, and attention. 


The Interactive Metronome program utilizes a variety of materials:

  • Hardware:
    • Interactive Metronome Pro Master Control Unit
    • Button Trigger (Wireless and Wired)
    • Tap Mat (Wireless and Wired)
  • Software: a user-friendly interface that is compatible with Macs and PCs
    • 24 Animated Games
    • Avatar Builder
    • Synchronized Music
    • Cloud Management for Clinicians (E-Clinic Compatible)


During Interactive Metronome training, individuals practice synchronizing whole body exercises to a beat. The goal is to improve timing through exercise and practice. A custom training program is created by the clinician after an assessment of a client’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Because a custom protocol is created for each client, there is no specific curriculum. In general, sessions can, and should be, repeated multiple times a week for the best outcomes. Clinicians can adjust the length of each Interactive Metronome training session to best suit the age and attention span of each client. 

Interactive Metronome: An SLP’s Review

This section will review the Interactive Metronome program based on its methodology and process, teaching strategies, impact, cost, support, user reviews, strengths, and areas of improvement. This Interactive Metronome review has been completed by a speech-language pathologist, and I will add my expertise to the information presented. 

Methodology & Process 

Interactive Metronome therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Much of the structure of the program (the specific tasks, the frequency and duration of exercises, how often tasks need to be changed) will look different for each client since the therapy plan is formatted by the clinician to be unique to each client. The Interactive Metronome materials used to complete the training are the same for all clients.

As a speech pathologist who worked with a wide variety of clients, I believe it is important to create separate therapy plans for each client. Although the same program or treatment approach can be utilized by more than one client, the specific goals and the rate at which they progress will always be different. This is the way that Interactive Metronome is set up as well. An individual treatment plan is critical for the users of Interactive Metronome to make progress and address their specific areas of weakness. 

Teaching Strategies

Interactive Metronome is individualized in the sense that each client is given an assessment and a unique training program is created just for them. However, the general structure of the program and the mode in which it is presented (via a computer or similar device) does not offer much flexibility.

The option of completing the program either in person with a clinician or at home (or a combination of both) allows clients and their families to choose what works best for them, and make changes throughout the course of their training if needed. 

Because the training requires clients to synchronize their body movements to given stimuli, Interactive Metronome is not accessible for those with no or limited mobility. 

Of course, no one method is going to be appropriate for all populations, as is the case with Interactive Metronome. Some clients who are independent and self-motivated will do well following the program at home, while others will need more structure, real-time modifications, and feedback from a clinician. The options available through Interactive Metronome make it possible for a variety of individuals with unique needs to benefit from the program. 


A study was conducted by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Baylor University, comparing the improvements in reading skills (reading rate, fluency, and comprehension) between children in grades 2-5 who received traditional reading interventions to those who received the same reading interventions while also receiving Interactive Metronome training. According to the study, children who completed Interactive Metronome training in conjunction with language and reading intervention 4 days a week for 4 weeks performed higher than the children who only received the language and reading interventions.

The study does not follow the students long-term, so the results do not indicate the long-term impact of the Interactive Metronome therapy. This kind of research would provide more useful information if it followed students over the course of several years. 


Since Interactive Metronome is provided to clients through a certified provider, providers first need to obtain certification. The current cost of Interactive Metronome for the live online virtual certification course is $99 ($149 including the cost of the equipment) and the cost for the on-demand certification course is $249. 

The products needed to run Interactive Metronome are a separate price. There are several IM station packages available:

  • Basic Package: $3999
    • Includes 1 free certification/training through a virtual or self-paced certification course for clinicians ($249 value)
  • Complete Package: $4899
    • Includes 2 free certifications for a certification and/or advanced certification in pediatrics or adults ($500 value)
  • IMPro 360 Package: $4299
    • Includes the Basic Package hardware and software, 1 free certification training ($250 value), and 3 IM Home Units ($1350 value)
  • IMPro 360+ Package: $5199
    • Includes the Complete Package hardware and software, 2 free certification trainings ($500 value), and 4 IM Home Units ($1800 value)

All clients who use the Interactive Metronome program will work with a provider, the price per session is set by the provider. The cost of Interactive Metronome for clients depends on the provider and the length of therapy. Prospective clients are advised to contact a licensed Interactive Metronome provider for specific pricing information. 


One of the options for clients and clinicians is IM-Home, a personalized program that individuals can complete on their own time. They have access to a certified specialist who guides and supervises their program. The clinician creates a custom training plan for each client, whose scores are uploaded for the clinician to see. The clinician can then review and update the training plan as needed. The program also allows the client and clinician to keep in touch using a messaging system. Clients can receive updates and encouragement from their provider via this system. 

Another benefit to clients of Interactive Metronome is that they can use the program to target different areas of need. Since many disciplines can be certified to implement Interactive Metronome, different disciplines (speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, etc.) can cotreat clients together. 

In order for any program to be successful, there needs to be ongoing support. Clients need ongoing encouragement, feedback, and modifications to their training programs in order to achieve success. Interactive Metronome offers both types of support. 

User Reviews

There are reviews online from users of the Interactive Metronome program. In a discussion forum on Well Trained Mind, people discussed their experience with Interactive Metronome. Several people said it can be a good tool when used in combination with other types of therapy, such as a client working with an occupational therapist or speech therapist who offers Interactive Metronome services. The client would receive both traditional speech or occupational therapy, as well as Interactive Metronome as a component of their therapy. These users did not think there would be much improvement if Interactive Metronome was used in isolation. They also said that some younger children with developmental delays may have difficulty starting the program, since they may lack some of the prerequisite skills needed to begin. 

According to these user reviews, Interactive Metronome is most effective when used as part of a well-rounded comprehension therapy plan. This therapy plan should also target any other needs the client has. This indicates that Interactive Metronome would not make a sufficient standalone treatment program.

Strengths of the Interactive Metronome 

Interactive Metronome Home is a great option that can be used as an extension of in-person therapy services or as a carryover opportunity. Clients who are unable to see a clinician as frequently as they would like to can continue with IM training in between in-person sessions. It also works well to support those who have met their therapy goals, but want to maintain their progress at home. 

Carryover and maintenance is an important part of any therapy program, but it can be one of the most challenging aspects to promote and support as clinicians. Clinicians are not able to provide immediate feedback outside of sessions, but Interactive Metronome solves this challenge through the use of IM Home, which provides feedback to clients through the program. 

The Interactive Metronome program claims that training can lead to improvements across multiple modalities, not just the client’s specific area of weakness being targeted. Interactive Metronome seems to be well-suited for clients who have diverse needs since it targets multiple areas. 

Areas for Improvement

Clients who choose to participate in Interactive Metronome training with a certified clinician have to either purchase an IM Home unit on their own or purchase a unit resold by their clinician. The patient price for a wired IM home unit is $449 and the wireless home unit is $549. This, in addition to the sessions with the clinicians themselves, can be a costly expense for families. 

Although clients can continue using Interactive Metronome as long as they choose, there does not appear to be research supporting the long-term effects of the Interactive Metronome training program, or the continued effects once the program is no longer being used. 

Bottom Line

The basis for Interactive Metronome therapy, improving neurotiming in the brain, addresses one of the underlying difficulties of those with reading disorders. Targeting the root cause of any disorder is important since that is what leads to lasting change. However, this program may not be accessible to many clinicians and clients because the cost of Interactive Metronome will be prohibitive to some. For clients who have diverse needs and for the clinicians who work with them, Interactive Metronome may be a good treatment choice.

The Pros and Cons of the Interactive Metronome Program:

✅ Improves cognitive functions like attention, memory, and executive functioning.❌ The cost of equipment and certification can be prohibitive for clinicians, which may limit access for some clients.
✅ Each client receives a personalized training program based on their unique needs.❌ The program requires body movement synchronization, which may not be suitable for individuals with mobility issues.
✅ Targets multiple skills including cognitive, speech, language, and motor skills through its neurotiming focus.❌ There is a lack of long-term study results to confirm sustained benefits after the program ends.
✅ Can be conducted in-person or remotely, allowing for adaptability to different client situations and needs.

Our Methodology: How We Reviewed the Interactive Metronome 

In-depth research has been conducted in order to review Interactive Metronome. All opinions and claims made are backed by research, people’s experiences, and a breakdown of the Interactive Metronome program.

  • Evidence-Based approach: A program such as Interactive Metronome should be based on research, with evidence to support its effectiveness.
  • Expert involvement: A speech-language pathologist reviewed the Interactive Metronome program. The program was reviewed based on my experience, expertise, and observations.
  • User reviews: It is important to consider reviews from those with first-hand experience who have used the Interactive Metronome program. Any research studies that show the progress and outcome of those who have used the program provide valuable information on the program’s effectiveness.
  • Detailed breakdown of program components: The major components of the Interactive Metronome and the basis for these components were reviewed. In particular, I looked for the program to be individualized for the unique needs of diverse clients. 
  • This Interactive Metronome review was not sponsored. It is an honest opinion based on my expertise as a speech-language pathologist and reviews from real users.

Forbrain and Interactive Metronome as Complementary Dyslexia Tools 

Since it is implemented by a clinician, Interactive Metronome can be and is often combined with other dyslexia interventions. One such intervention is Forbrain. Forbrain is an auditory feedback device proven to improve reading fluency, memory, and learning. It utilizes the auditory feedback loop to improve reading skills when the user more clearly hears themself speaking and reading aloud. 

Using Interactive Metronome and Forbrain together helps to strengthen the training process since these tools work to build on each other. Interactive Metronome aims to improve the neurotiming in the brain. Results of using Forbrain include improved motor timing and attention, both of which are targeted through Interactive Metronome training. Each approach targets these skills in slightly different ways: Interactive Metronome uses movement paired with audio and visual input, while Forbrain uses auditory input from the clients themselves. Using both of these training programs together provides a well-rounded treatment approach that can help individuals with dyslexia improve their reading skills.

Comparison between Interactive Metronome and Forbrain:

Feature/AspectForbrainInteractive Metronome
FunctionalityHeadset that helps with the 3 main challenges of dyslexia: verbal memory, phonological awareness, and verbal processing speed. The combination of the dynamic filter and bone conduction amplifies the speaker’s voice and stimulates the auditory nerve, for better brain processing.Focuses on enhancing neurotiming for improved cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive functioning critical for effective reading.
UsabilityMeant to be implemented into daily routines, for 10-20 minutes a day. Individuals simply need to wear the headset when reading or speaking.Typically implemented in personalized sessions; adaptable to group settings. The program requires synchronization of body movements to auditory cues.
Target AudienceSuitable for 3+ and older individuals with learning challenges such as dyslexiaDesigned for individuals with challenges in reading, speech, and cognitive functions, including dyslexia and auditory processing disorders.
BenefitsForbrain helps to improve:
– speech
– communication
– attention
– focus
– memory
– learning
Improves timing in the brain, which is essential for skills like reading, speech, and cognitive functioning.
LimitationsNot appropriate for individuals with :
– cochlear implant
– severe hearing loss
– epilepsy
Requires consistent participation and practice; effectiveness may vary. Not suitable for individuals with limited mobility.
Cost$299 for the Forbrain headset and accessories, with a 2-year warranty.Equipment for Pros cost up to $6,000. End-user cost varies depending on the provider and the length of the therapy.
Support & ResourcesForbrain comes with:
– A secondary microphone that allows support from parents, therapists, or instructors.
– A headphone jack for listening to recordings or participating in online therapy programs.
Offers extensive support including training for clinicians, customizable templates, and cloud management for monitoring client progress.
Clinical Evidence/ResearchForbrain uses neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to rewire and change. Several scientific studies have shown the effects of using Forbrain or auditory feedback to improve the skills of those with reading or other deficits.Supported by studies showing benefits in reading and cognitive functions, though results can vary. More research is needed to confirm long-term benefits.

Final Words

This Interactive Metronome review was designed to offer an in-depth look at the Interactive Metronome program as an option for dyslexia treatment. Read and consider the information presented above to help you determine if Interactive Metronome is the right choice for you as a clinician, parent, or client. 


Amen Clinics. 2020, November 9. What is Interactive Metronome Therapy? Amen Clinics.

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 8). Dyslexia – Gaining Clarity with Natural Timing and Rhythm. Interactive Metronome.

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 9). How It Works. Interactive Metronome. 

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 9). Interactive Metronome Successes. Interactive Metronome. 

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 9). Pediatric Dyslexia Case Study. Interactive Metronome. 

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 8). The Science Behind IM. Interactive Metronome. 

Interactive Metronome. (Accessed 2024, April 8). What is Interactive Metronome? Interactive Metronome. 

McGrew, Dr. K.S. (2013). The Science Behind Interactive Metronome: An Integration of Brain Clock, Temporal Processing, Brain Network and Neurocognitive Research and Theory. The Mind Hub. 

Ritter, M., Colson, K.A., & Park, J. (2012). Reading Intervention Using Interactive Metronome in Children With Language and Reading Impairment: A Preliminary Investigation. Communication Disorders Quarterly.

Amanda Unrau

Amanda is a speech language pathologist by day, and a freelance writer during the in between times. She has worked with children of all ages in a variety of private practice and school settings, as well as telepractice. She enjoys research and tries to make her speech therapy and writing as functional as possible.

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