Let’s get started with Forbrain®
Read our advice on how to use Forbrain® for the first time, plus maximize your results with usage tips for everyone.

Get to know Forbrain
To use Forbrain, place the headphones on and speak into the microphone with a normal volume as if you were talking to another person. There’s no need to make adjustments to the device because Forbrain suits all ages and head sizes.
Once you’re accustomed to the sensations you’re ready to experiment during daily speaking activities. The more frequently you practice with Forbrain, the sharper your brain becomes — just use the power of your voice.
If desired, another person can provide instructions by speaking into the additional microphone. You may also connect the headphone jack to a device to train with audio recordings or an online session.

How to wear the headset

Forbrain usage tips

For adults and teenagers
- Pick a place where you feel comfortable to practice, either sitting or walking around.
- Make sure the Forbrain headphones fit snugly against your temporal bones.
- Avoid chewing gum, snacking, or traveling during sessions.

For children
- Introduce Forbrain at home, therapy, or class by putting the headphones on so the child can see how to wear it themselves.
- Place the child’s favorite toy or object in their hands to keep them distracted while the Forbrain is positioned on their head.
- You can pretend that the child is a singer or pilot as it can make them feel more engaged when wearing Forbrain.
How to start brain training
Forbrain for Schoolchildren

Read and repeat aloud textbooks, new spellings, and poems for improved comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking confidence.

Do homework wearing Forbrain to complete it faster. Read aloud to grasp new concepts, spellings, foreign languages, and more at a faster rate.

Practice speaking with parents and siblings at home while using Forbrain for greater confidence when communicating in class.

Revising with Forbrain helps to memorize times tables, spellings, formulas, and other hard to retain information.

Rehearse songs and theatre to improve awareness of pronunciation, pitch, and timbre.
We recommend children aged three years and over practice with the Forbrain daily for up to 20 minutes. Consistent, regular use will put them on the road to achieving results.
Forbrain for University Students

Wear Forbrain while you learn new concepts, or prepare for tests and examinations. Revise course material aloud and speak like you are addressing a crowd.

Work on your delivery, enunciation, and confidence ahead of a job interview or presentation. You can also build foreign language fluency by reading a passage and repeating it aloud without looking.

Grow your abilities in extra-curricular activities like singing, drama, and debate. While practicing, wear Forbrain to read or sing a text aloud.
We recommend daily practice with Forbrain to see optimal results. For tasks requiring intensive concentration or short deadlines, use for 30 minutes up to three times a day (if you feel comfortable).
Forbrain for Professionals

Wear Forbrain during normal speaking activities to energize the voice. You’ll sound more convincing and capture people’s attention. Use Forbrain before an important presentation or speech to work on your flow, enunciation, and confidence. Try reading a text aloud to condition your speaking voice and improve memorization.

Before auditions or rehearsals, use Forbrain to practice sight reading, and work on pronunciation, diction, and timbre. For singers, sing the lyrics and notes, and concentrate on your voice during harmonics.

Review your foreign language coursework out loud. Then, challenge yourself in reading a passage aloud and repeat it without looking to build fluency.
We recommend consistent daily practice while wearing Forbrain for 30 minutes per session.
Forbrain for Seniors

Chat with others face-to-face or on video calls, whether one-on-one or in group settings. Your vocal clarity and energy will improve, along with your connection to family and friends.

Speaking to others with Forbrain improves your attention and memory. Do this, and you’ll experience better focus and performance in sudoku, chess, or word games like Scrabble.

Read aloud the morning newspaper, a book, or your favorite poems. Forbrain keeps the mind active and sharp.

Sing independently or in your singing group. Forbrain steadies the voice plus improves cognitive capacity and memory.

The recovery journey after a stroke is often long and requires daily effort. Forbrain complements therapy programs and works on brain plasticity to improve speech and attention. You may want to consult your professional.
We recommend daily use of Forbrain during regular activities for up to 20 minutes a session. If comfortable, practice twice a day ongoing.
Forbrain for Special Education Needs

Such as speech-language delay, apraxia, speech and sound disorders, and language disorders. Forbrain improves self-awareness which makes speech easier to correct.
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Forbrain helps correct the processing of sensory and auditory information and improves listening skills.
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Such as ADD and ADHD. Forbrain can be used in activities where the child may have difficulty staying on task as the device creates a grounding effect that helps them stay present and focused.
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Such as Dyslexia and memory or reading difficulties. Forbrain aids recall of sight words, spelling, and vocabulary often leading to increased reading fluency.
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Such as Autism or Asperger’s syndrome. Forbrain can lead to improved attention, energy, and mood regulation, in addition to clearer communication that aids social interactions.
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To help people accelerate their recovery journey. Forbrain taps into brain plasticity, thus supporting improved speech and attention.
We recommend children aged 3 years and over practice with Forbrain for 15 minutes daily. Continue for 6–8 weeks followed by a one month break to see optimal results. Repeat the cycle as often as desired. Note: Please consult your child’s therapist as they may recommend a tailored use time and program.
Forbrain for Specialists & Therapists

Forbrain can support your programs or treatment plans to address a range of difficulties related to speech and/or language. Encourage smoother speech and promote self-expression.

Take a holistic approach to client care with the addition of Forbrain. You can effectively interact with and instruct patients during therapy for improved outcomes.

Using Forbrain as an aid, teachers can help special education needs students to stay focused and get more out of the classroom and their relationships.

Forbrain helps children and adults with ADHD focus and offers a natural approach to therapy. Leverage Forbrain to build skills within their ideal structured environment.

The voice and emotional regulation are interlinked. When Forbrain accompanies therapy, people better express themselves and connect with those around them. Energy and self-confidence also expand.

Achieve training outcomes faster for those who develop people on singing, voice, behavioral change, language, and corporate coaching.
Once introduced to Forbrain, encourage the client to train for up to 20 minutes at each session. For at-home practice, start with 10 minutes of daily activity and then build up. We recommend consistent use for 6–8 weeks followed by a one month break, then repeat for optimal results. Note: You can recommend a use time and program tailored to the client.

The first time using Forbrain is always surprising! You will hear your voice, but differently, as if it was modulated. Compare the difference in sound with these two audio samples below. When listening to your voice with the headphones on you’ll notice a subtler change in sound.
Forbrain is simple to use — you can speak, sing, read out loud, or have a conversation. However, we do not provide specific exercises because varying ability levels and ages mean exercises should be tailored to suit individual needs. Some therapists have kindly shared the exercises they use in therapy, found here.
Forbrain is a painless, non-invasive sensory stimulation device. Like any stimulation, Forbrain can excite and tire the person during sessions. Therefore, Forbrain is not suitable for:
- Children under 3 years of age
- People with Parkinson’s disease
- People with hearing loss in both ears of 80%
- People carrying a cochlear implant
- People with epilepsy (except upon specialist advice)
Yes, since the principle of the dynamic filter is to activate and allow the passage of certain sounds of your voice. Depending on your sensitivity, this may create the impression that the device suddenly switches off and on again.
No, but they are designed to fit all head sizes. To comfortably use Forbrain, make sure you press the headphones in to fit the ears and properly position the microphone before the mouth. Don’t worry if the hoop doesn’t fit against the head as it won’t affect the device’s comfort or effectiveness.
No, Forbrain operates wirelessly and autonomously. However, you can choose to use the headphone jack to connect to a phone or computer and follow on with audio content.
When using the headphones, the person speaks directly into the microphone and Forbrain’s dynamic filter modifies the voice, helping them to clearly hear the sounds, only slightly louder. High frequency “bright” sounds are highlighted by the filter which energizes the brain and assists in the construction of language. This allows them to work on their auditory feedback loop.
Parents, teachers, and therapists can assist the wearer during practice by using the additional microphone. All you need to do is hold the microphone in your hand and start instructing. Conveying exercise instructions or pronunciations can help the user understand the information and become comfortable with the new audio sensations. This feature is especially useful if the person is non-vocal or initially unwilling to speak into the microphone.