
General presentation

If you want to know more about Forbrain and give in depth information to your clients about how it works, the technology behind it and how to use it, take a look at this general presentation video of Forbrain.

Affiliation Program benefits

To have more information about our Affiliation Program and the benefits offered to you (exercises, marketing tools,…), have a look at our new mentoring.

If you want to access a specific part of the presentation refer to the timing below:

0:00 – Introduction

0:57 – About the Workshop

4:07 – The Affiliation Program

5:57 – Benefits for your clients

10:34 – How does it work?

12:30 – Boost your activity with Forbrain

17:43 –  Presenting Forbrain to your clients

23:02 – Sharing your personal affiliation code

25:47 – Scientific Research

 35:45 – Affiliate Backend 

46:05 – Schedule a meeting 

46:56 – Recommended Tools