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Discover Soundsory recommended by Forbrain to help you in your daily practice.

If you have any question feel free to contact us at info@soundforlife.com

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SOUNDSORY is a Multi-Sensory Home-Based Program. It helps improve motor and cognitive abilities. The program consists of specially designed music processed with neuro-acoustic modifications as well as a series of movement-based exercises. The program is 30 minutes a day for 40 days.

Visit soundsory.com

Introducing Soundsory – A multi-sensory, music and movement therapy program for children and adults! (2 min)
Webinar – Introduction to Soundsory and its applications (51 min)
Webinar – “Primitive Reflexes and their Integration with Forbrain and Soundsory” by Kara Tavolacci (90 min)
Webinar – “How Forbrain and Soundsory can help with Sensory Processing Disorder” by Kara Tavolacci (90 min)
Introducing the Soundsory mobile app – an alternative way to access the Soundsory exercises (2 min).